民主思路 《2018年廢物處置(都市固體廢物收費)(修訂)條例草案》的法案委員會意見書

政策綱領 香港作為亞洲國際都會,推動減廢、減碳、應對氣候變化等環保事項,遠遠不及亞洲鄰近城巿。縱使政府已制定《香港資源循環藍圖2013–2022》,立法會卻因不同的政治阻力,一直未能完成審議並通過有關「都市固體廢物收費」的條例草案,令藍圖遲遲未能落實。都市固體廢物棄置問題已經越來越嚴重,根據環境保護署的統計數字,2019年香港都市固體廢物人均棄置量已增加至1.47公斤,即相較2013年增加10.5%,明顯無法達到人均棄置量目標減至0.8公斤或以下。民主思路支持政府提出的《2018年廢物處置(都市固體廢物收費)(修訂)條例草案》,並希望提出以下幾項建議,以進一步優化條例草案的內容,爭取更多市民及商界支持,期望本屆立法會盡快完成審議並通過都市固體廢物收費的條例草案,讓香港市民有一個更好的居住環境,為保護地球出一分力。 民主思路的建議  訂立明確的香港都市固體廢物人均棄置目標 根據《香港資源循環藍圖2035》,中期目標訂為推行都市固體廢物收費,把都市固體廢物的人均棄置量逐步減少40至45%,同時把回收率提升至約55%。藍圖內沒有說明用那一年份作為基數去比較實際人均棄置量的多寡。因此,民主思路提議訂立明確的香港都市固體廢物人均棄置目標,目標應分為「家居廢物」及「工商業廢物」 兩個範疇,方便監測成效及推行政策。 增加誘因,讓大眾先改變棄置習慣…

民主思路 2020施政報告建議書

政策綱領   經歷修例風波與新冠肺炎的雙重打擊,政治制度的既有缺陷突顯,經濟表現步入衰退期,國際博弈令香港危機雪上加霜。香港市民和國際社會關注我城的自由程度和未來前景,特區政府應當竭力鞏固「一國兩制」優勢,善用高度自治權展現核心競爭力,保持國際聲望與地位。   疫情帶來沉重的社會經濟影響,經濟活動停擺令勞資雙方共陷困境。大眾出行受限、教育模式轉變,市民為適應疫下新生活也衍生新的民生需求。特區政府應該有效率地利用累積的庫房盈餘,撐經濟、保就業、顧民生,同舟共濟令社會復甦。   現今世代重視社會公義,深層次矛盾無助重拾希望與建立遠象。投資未來從不局限於基建,特區政府應該在教育、環保、房屋、醫療、社會共融等範圍作有意義的長遠投資,創造多元和豐盛的發展機會,重塑公平與開放的社會制度與競爭環境。   鞏固「一國兩制」優勢   保持國際地位,提升軟實力 設立具廣泛代表性的「一國兩制」委員會及辦公室,協助政府處理有關「一國兩制」的問題。《港區國安法》實施後,不少以香港為基地的國際機構正靜觀其變,尤其解釋及回應公眾及國際商業社會對《港區國安法》的疑問。 成立專注香港涉外關係的半官方高層智庫,負責推動和協調涉外工作。促進、協助和鼓勵本地智庫與關注香港事務的外國機構定期交流,動員社會各界加強香港在亞太區及國際網絡中的角色。…

1C2S index dropped further to 5.58 after brief recovery

Press Release 20 August 2020   1C2S index dropped further to 5.58 after brief recovery, international indexes modestly fell, though expected to decline further due to straining relations   (Press Release) Path of Democracy is releasing the latest 1C2S index today (20 August), which is recorded at 5.58, resultant of the 3.39 given by the public and 7.76 given by international thinktanks. Since the last report, the international community’s regard of Hong Kong experienced a slight drop, while the public continued to drop after a brief recovery. In the span of just half a year, the…

1C2S Index lingers around record low at 5.7

Press Release 17 February 2020   1C2S Index lingers around record low at 5.7 International score drops slightly, expected to fall due to social factors   (Press Release) Path of Democracy is releasing the latest ‘One Country Two Systems’ (1C2S) Index today (17 February), which is recorded at 5.7, resultant of the 3.53 given by the Hong Kong public and 7.87 given by international think tanks. Since the last report, the international community’s regard of Hong Kong experienced a slight drop, while the public spiraled down since the anti-extradition movement erupted last June. In the span…

Statement on the District Council Election Results

The District Council Election that has just taken place, more than seventy percent of voters cast their votes to express their views on the current social situation. A high voter turnout is a sign of democracy. It tells us that the people of Hong Kong are still hopeful about the future of the city and are willing to make their voices heard through elections. Undoubtedly, the election results reflected the public’s discontent and disappointment over how the Government had handled the anti-extradition bill controversy. However, we hope this would not be seen as the general public’s endorsement…

Personnel Change

After full consultation with members and the board of governors, Path of Democracy announced the appointment of Mr Ray Poon as Co-convenor (Research) and Mr Alan Lung as Co-convenor (International). At the same time, Path of Democracy announced the appointment of Mr Frank Wong as a new member of the board of governors. All the above appointments will take effect from 8th August 2019 for a term of two years.

Proposal on Truth and Reconciliation Commission

A Truth and Reconciliation Commission May Help Hong Kong Like everyone in Hong Kong, Path of Democracy (PoD) fervently hopes we, as a community in our collective wisdom, can find a workable resolution to overcome the current difficulties, which many consider to be the biggest crisis Hong Kong faces since 1967. As a think tank, PoD believes that any proposed resolution must be firmly based on the rule of law, with a clear purpose and broadly supported by the community. We sincerely hope to see an immediate cessation of violence, so as to enable the reconciliation process to commence. We also…

Personnel Change

The board of Path of Democracy expressed respect and understanding for the resignation of the Co-convenor (Engagement) Mr. Raymond Mak. The board thanked Raymond for his efforts in promoting Path of Democracy and the Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy over the past three years, and wished him continued to serve Hong Kong in other positions in the future.

Trip to Beijing 2019

新聞稿 民主思路於5月14日至18日到北京交流,此行主要目的為反映最新一輪民主思路「一國兩制指數」下跌所帶來的憂慮和問題,我們期望能以香港人的角度,與內地官員分析有關結果,並希望北京關注香港人及國際社會對「一國兩制」信心正在下跌的情況。除此以外,此行亦希望與相關部門探討優化「831」政制改革的可能、與新上任負責香港事務的官員建立良好溝通管道、並討論如何令香港在大灣區和一帶一路兩大全國戰略性規劃上能進一步發揮其國際調解中心、融資中心及文化相通中心之重要角色。 北京交流團合共5日,到訪機構包括國務院港澳辦、全國人大憲法和法律事務委員會、全國人大香港基本法委員會、全國港澳研究會、國家發改委、駐京辦及全球化智庫等。除民主思路理事會成員外,香港政治及行政學苑學員亦一同參加,到北京大學、清華大學、中國社會科學院和對外經貿大學等知名學府和學術組織交流,讓他們加深瞭解內地學者和機構在不同範疇的見解。……

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