Submission to the Archives Law and Access to Information Sub-Committees of the Law Reform Commission

Path of Democracy welcomes the opportunity to comment on the reform of the current public records management and access to information (ATI) regimes. We support the introduction of laws on archives and ATI, which constitute the enabling legal environment for the government’s transparency and accountability agenda. They also complement the open data initiative advocated in CE’s first policy address which called for support for technology research, innovation and smart city development. We would like to express our views on i) governance, ii) compliance and iii) exemptions, coverage and…

Press statement on recent appointment of Professor Richard Wong to the position of Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong

Press statement 30th January, 2019 The Path of Democracy (“PoD”) wishes to congratulate Professor Richard Wong Yue Chim on his recent appointment to the position of Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong. It is with mixed feelings that we accept the resignation of Professor Wong from the Board of Governors of the Path of Democracy and as Head of our Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy (“HKAPP”) with effect from the 28th February, 2019. Professor Wong has been a pillar of our think tank and his resignation will leave a considerable void which will be…

Land for Development and Homes

3rd  August 2018 Land for Development and Homes Introduction Hong Kong’s land problem is best epitomized by the following statement: limited land, inappropriate allocation, and inefficient housing development. The recent report by the Task Force on Land Supply (April 2018) observed that there exists a conservative estimate of 1,200 hectares of land shortfall in light of anticipated demands for land over the upcoming decade. Existing proposals fail to consider the need for a cogent vision that incorporates considerations of quality of life and wider developmental objectives into property and…

Personnel Change

Mr. Hui Ching tendered his resignation from the board of Path of Democracy last week citing personal reasons. After careful consideration and deliberation, the board of Path of Democracy unanimously accepted the resignation and thanked Mr. Hui for his contribution towards the Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy over the better part of last year. The PoD board also took the opportunity to wish Mr. Hui every success in his new endeavours. Looking ahead at the new term of the Academy, the PoD board unanimously agreed that Professor Richard Wong should continue as Head of the Academy…


民主思路新聞稿 3月24日 民主思路連同香港政治及行政學苑學生訪問北京5日。總結今次民主思路訪問北京行程主要有三大重點:第一是講解民主思路最新一份《一國兩制指數》報告結果;其次是增加香港和北京間的溝通;第三是讓香港政治及行政學苑的學生有機會觀察和接觸內地官員。 民主思路召集人湯家驊表示,今次行程較為遺憾的是和新上任的全國人大香港基本法委會主任沈春耀緣慳一面,但訪問團有和剛轉任人大憲法和法律工作委員會主任的前主任李飛會面和晚宴,是首個獲接見的香港團體。 湯家驊認為,今次訪京和李飛、港澳辦主任張曉明和副主任馮巍等會面,令雙方基礎和關係進一步建立。他期望這基礎能在以後發揮更大作用。……

New round Path of Democracy’s 1C2S Index stands at 6.51, no significant difference for the past half year Negative international opinions on 1C2S

New round Path of Democracy’s 1C2S Index stands at 6.51, no significant difference for the past half year Negative international opinions on 1C2S Path of Democracy(PoD) has developed the One Country Two Systems Index (1C2S Index) since last year; the new round index score is 6.51. The score of public’s evaluation of 1C2S, and Freedom and Democracy Index from international think tanks indices are 4.98 and 8.04 respectively. Despite the fact that politically, it was an eventful period for the last 6 months, the drop of the index score, in comparison with that of last time was minimal. PoD has…

Path of Democracy delegation in Beijing talks

Path of Democracy delegation in Beijing talks. During the trip, PoD met members and exchanged ideas with three prominent think tanks, including the semi-official Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macau Studies.

One Country Two Systems Index stands at 6.52

10 July 2017 | Path of Democracy   Path of Democracy’s One Country Two Systems Index (1C2S Index) stands at 6.52 Citing strong recognition of dual identities as ‘Hong Kongers’ and ‘Chinese’ among public   Path of Democracy has developed the One Country Two Systems Index (1C2S Index), the first index of its kind since the return of Hong Kong to Mainland China two decades ago, to provide an objective assessment of the implementation of “One Country Two Systems” (1C2S) in Hong Kong. The first reading of the 1C2S Index, compiled using a public survey and international indices, comes in…

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