Submission to Public Consultation on Archives Law & Access to Information
March 2019 Path of Democracy welcomes the opportunity to comment on the reform of the current public records management and access to information (ATI) regimes. We support the introduction of laws on archives and ATI, which constitute the enabling legal environment for the government’s transparency and accountability agenda. They also complement the open data initiative advocated in CE’s first policy address which called for support for technology research, innovation and smart city development…

View on Increasing Land for Development and Homes
August 2018 Land shortage in Hong Kong is severe. It is reflected in the rising price and rent of not only of residential premises, but also commercial, office and other spaces. Indeed the expensiveness of non-residential space has risen even faster than residential space. Finding land and supplying them to meet the full range of development needs is an urgent task…

Hong Kong Political Culture in the Post-Umbrella Movement Era
May 2016 In recent years there has been drastic changes in the political atmosphere in Hong Kong but they have not been thoroughly examined. In a large-scale survey initiated by Path of Democracy…

Opinion Poll on Political Orientation
Oct 2015 We are convinced, that there remains room for imagination in this city. Path of Democracy has commissioned the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong to conduct the Survey on the Centrists in Hong Kong and Political Orientation of Hong Kong People…