Path of Democracy Summarizes Second Day of Beijing Exchange Program

Path of Democracy (“PoD”) collaborated with the Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy to host the “2023-2024 Sixth Cohort Student Beijing Exchange Programme”, started its second day’s itinerary.

In the morning, the delegation visited Peking University (“PKU”), and met with Professor Rao Geping, Honorary Director of Institute for Hong Kong and Macao Studies and Professor at the PKU Law School, Professor Chen Duanhong, Director of Institute for Hong Kong and Macao Studies and Professor at the PKU Law School, as well as serval scholars from PKU Law School and Hong Kong students studying at PKU. Both parties engaged in in-depth discussions on Hong Kong’s role on the international stage, the scope for its future development, and how to maintain and further develop Hong Kong’s unique advantages.

At noon, the delegation visited Renmin University of China (“RUC”) and met with Wang Yi, Vice President of RUC, Professor Han Dayuan, Professor at the School of Law, Member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Director of “One Country, Two Systems” Legal Research Institute at RUC, Professor Zhu Hu, Vice Dean of the School of Law, Professor Li Zhongxia of the Law School who is also an Standing Committee Member of the Hong Kong Basic Law and Macau Basic Law Research Association of the China Law Society, along with other leaders and scholars from the Law School. Both parties exchanged views on topics such as the relationship between the Constitution and the Basic Law, education and promotion of the Constitution in Hong Kong, and the development of Hong Kong’s common law system.

In the late afternoon, the delegation visited the Tsinghua University School of Law, where we met with Professor Lin Laifan, Director of the Tsinghua University Hong Kong and Macau Research Center and Law Professor, Associate Professor Tu Kai, and a number of Tsinghua students. Both parties exchanged views on the development and research of Constitutional Studies, as well as the education and promotion of the Constitution in Hong Kong.

Photo 1: PoD Convenor Ronny Tong (Front row, sixth from left) and Professor Rao Geping, Honorary Director of Institute for Hong Kong and Macao Studies and Professor at the PKU Law School (Front Row, fifth from left) and Professor Chen Duanhong, Director of Institute for Hong Kong and Macao Studies and Professor at the PKU Law School (Front Row seventh from left) of Peking University Law School

Photo 2:PoD Convenor Ronny Tong (right) and Wang Yi, Vice President of Renmin University of China (left)

Photo 3:Professor Han Dayuan’s (Professor at the School of Law, Member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Director of “One Country, Two Systems” Legal Research Institute at RUC) souvenir

Photo 4:PoD Convenor Ronny Tong (Front row, sixth from left) and Professor Han Dayuan, Professor at the School of Law, Member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Director of “One Country, Two Systems” Legal Research Institute at RUC (Front row, fifth from left)

Photo 5:PoD Convenor Ronny Tong and Professor Lin Laifan, Director of the Tsinghua University Hong Kong and Macau Research Center and Professor at the Law School

Photo 6:PoD delegates met with Tsinghua University students

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