Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission

Path of Democracy (PoD) is a mission- and action-driven think tank that strives to create maximum room for democratic development under the principles of “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong” and a high degree of autonomy.

We believe that communication with mutual trust, conducted with a moderate attitude, is essential for the development of democracy. To this end, we have established Path of Democracy as a platform to:

  1. Consolidate the majority of supporters of the democratic camp in society; 
  2. Promote a moderate political approach in a proactive manner, and carve out new political horizon in society; 
  3. Formulate agendas and construct systematic political discourse; 
  4. Establish new ideological dimensions in the politics, society, economics and culture of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region together with different stakeholders through research, dialogue and engagement.
Our Mission
TopOur Mission