About Us
Words from the Convenor

Words from the Convenor
Yes, with just a blink of an eye and we are into our 9th year!
The End of the Begining
Seems only yesterday that I agonized over leaving the Civic Party, a political party I strongly advocated and helped to build and, resigning from LegCo. Path of Democracy (PoD) is a continuation of my contribution towards the ideal Hong Kong that I aspire to and what a ride it turned out to be.
I remember we started out with just one paid staff with no permanent office. We had a board of some 10-odd governors all contributing towards building up PoD on our free time. Over time, most of these governors faded away and moved on to other things. But I persisted, consoled only by my determination and love for Hong Kong. We now have five paid staff and many volunteers and part-time helpers, the most in all nine years. We now have a good-sized office in a convenient location, thanks to one of our staunch supporters. We have a much-respected reputation from the community, the HKSAR government and not the least, the Beijing government. Our well-recognized project, “One Country, Two Systems” Index report is now a standard read for people who care about how “One Country, Two Systems” is doing and both the HKSAR and Beijing governments. We have now branched out to research and study of other important issues crucial to HK’s success.
Our HK Academy for Politics and Public Policy (HKAPP) is now in its 7th year and instrumental in turning out young but matured students interested in the affairs of HK and our motherland. Since the defeat of Covid, we have resumed our yearly visits to Beijing and our HKAPP delegation was well received last year by the Director of HK Macau Office and other important officials as well as the cream of academia in Beijing.
We have successfully branched out to electronic media and are the only think tank in Hong Kong to focus on telling a good Hong Kong story to the international community. Our monthly luncheon meetings, featuring talks by leaders of Hong Kong both within and outside the government, are regularly well attended by the local English-speaking community, including consul generals, the business community, local academia, and overseas returned students.
Last but not least, we achieved a mini-breakthrough this year when the Government appointed one of us as District Councilor and two members as district committee members thereby confirming our commitment in branching out to more and more district work.
After nine years, it is by no means an exaggeration to say, yes, we are small, but our impact is not. We owe it to all of you and your unfailing support to reach where we are today, and it is a comforting thought that our persistence is not a lone effect. Thank you and may we continue to reach new heights for HK!
June 2024