Path of Democracy 9th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner“The End of The Beginning”
【Press release】
6 June 2024
Path of Democracy 9th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner“The End of The Beginning”
Path of Democracy (“PoD”), which was founded by Non-official Member of Executive Council, The Honourable Ronny Tong Ka-wah, SC, held its 9th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner in Regal Hongkong Hotel today. We were honoured to have Mr. John Lee Ka-chiu, the Chief Executive of HKSAR, as the officiating guest of honor, and Prof. Anthony Cheung, Advisor (Public Administration) at the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies of The Education University of Hong Kong, and Prof. Richard Wong, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong as the keynote speakers. 
The event was attended by more than hundred guests, including various government officials such as Mr. Chan Kwok-ki, Chief Secretary for Administration, and Mr. Paul Lam Ting-kwok, Secretary for Justice, Ms. Winnie Ho, Secretary of Housing. The occasion was a testament to PoD’s contributions to Hong Kong society in these years.
Addressing the ceremony, Chief Executive Mr. John Lee said that PoD has always remained true to its mission. He stressed that through research, dialogue, and engagement, PoD continues to facilitate the building of mutual understanding and trust with different social stakeholders. 
Mr. Lee expressed his appreciation for PoD's work, which has provided constructive ideas and perspectives towards Hong Kong's future development. Regarding PoD's recent visit to Beijing and its reception by Director Xia Baolong of the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council, Mr. Lee stated that he believes this engagement could enhance mutual trust and enable joint problem-solving.
Looking towards the future, Mr. Lee reiterated that PoD should leverage its experiences and expertise to bridge connections with the international market, together working to build a brighter tomorrow.
During the fundraising dinner, Mr. Ronny Tong chaired an insightful panel discussion entitled "Hong Kong's Economic Development," together with Prof. Anthony Cheung and Prof. Richard Wong.
During the discussion, Prof. Wong stressed the importance of bringing together the past and the present to find solutions to address the city's challenges. He reiterated the importance of population growth, noting that "young folks can generate income and tax revenue to balance our budget." He believed that a talent importation scheme would benefit Hong Kong in the long run as it brings revenue to the government.
Meanwhile, Prof. Cheung looked back on today’s rapidly changing geopolitical context and social issues facing the city, particularly the aging population. He agreed that solving the population problem could help Hong Kong overcome its bottlenecks. He also suggested some strategies, including economic restructuring, upgrading, and re-intermediation to boost Hong Kong's economy in the future.
PoD Convenor, Mr. Ronny Tong spoke to guests that since its establishment nine years ago, PoD has experienced a challenging start and gradual growth. Initially, we had only one salaried employee and no fixed office location. Today, our think tank has grown to five researchers, and we are fortunate to work in an office space. The turning point for PoD came during the social unrest in 2019. Despite these challenges, our love for Hong Kong and unwavering determination have driven us to focus on policy and economic development research, as well as the cultivation of political talent. Our “One Country, Two Systems” Index Report has become a key focus for both the Hong Kong and Beijing governments. Additionally, last year, PoD undertook two key research initiatives, the first was a study on the Basic Law and the Constitution and the second was an in-depth examination of the behaviors and attitudes of international business communities towards doing business in Hong Kong in today’s rapidly changing environment. 
Moreover, we are gratified that, for the first time, the SAR government has appointed our members as district councilors and district committee members, enabling us to embark on community work. Throughout this journey, we are deeply grateful for the selfless dedication of our colleagues and the unwavering support of our supporters, which have been instrumental in achieving our current success. Looking ahead, we aspire for PoD to become a national-level think tank, and even an international one, capable of telling Hong Kong's story and re-establishing Hong Kong as China’s premier financial center. Last month, Xia Baolong, Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, once again acknowledged and commended our work, stating that we have “remained true to our original aspiration and upheld our fundamental principles”, and expressing the hope that we will “continue to provide more suggestions”.
At our 9th anniversary celebration, we premiered a commemorative video showcasing PoD’s achievements and milestone since our establishment in 2015. The video highlighted pivotal moments such as establishment of the Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy, which has nurtured a new generation of young political talent. It has also featured the publication of our influential “One Country, Two Systems” Index, as well as our ongoing engagement with the Chief Executive, government officials and other key stakeholders through initiatives like the “Lunch with Our Leaders” series.
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