Path of Democracy and Third Side – Joint Announcement

Path of Democracy (“PoD”) and Third Side (“TS”) would like to jointly announce that we have reached agreement to jointly commend our respective candidates, if any, to the people of Hong Kong in relation to the forthcoming LegCo election. This alliance is forged on the bedrock of the following 4 principles:

  1. Safeguarding the One Country Two Systems (“OCTS”) including creating the most favorable conditions for the continuation of OCTS beyond 2047;
  2. Defending national sovereignty over Hong Kong striking the right balance between safeguarding national security on the one hand and protecting the core values enshrined in the Basic Law on the other;
  3. Building the right conditions for the advance of political reform to reach the democratic goal set by the Basic Law;
  4. Improving the quality of governance and accountability of government officials.

By this alliance, both PoD and TS are committed towards solidifying the Third Way and providing a new political direction and spectrum for HKSAR. We must stress, however, that this is not a merger of our 2 entities and we will review our relationship after the election if and when needed.

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