Graduation Ceremony for the fourth Cohort of the Senior Executive Diploma in Political Leadership

Senior Executive Diploma in Political Leadership, the joint programme by Hong Kong Academy of Politics and Public Policy (HKAPP) and HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE), held its 4th graduation ceremony today (18 June 2022). We were honoured to have Dr. Allan Zeman, the Chairman of Lan Kwai Fong Group, as the Guest of Honor for the graduation ceremony.

Dr. Allan Zeman believed that this programme, jointly offered by HKAPP and HKU SPACE, could nurture more talents with ambitions, visions and quality for expanding the political talent pool of Hong Kong.

The honorary patron of HKAPP, Mr Ronny Tong also addressed the ceremony. He thanked all renowned lecturers for expanding political visions and enriching knowledge in politics of all our students. He was pleased to see all graduates were students of quality and came from various backgrounds. Their occupations included legal professionals, financial industry, education and public administration. Mr Tong believed that by providing a cross-industry and cross-political spectrum platform, we could enhance the standard of new political participants gradually and witness a quality breakthrough for Hong Kong politics.

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