民主思路 對《依賴電腦網絡的罪行及司法管轄權事宜》諮詢文件的意見

現時電腦科技發展一日千里,犯罪手法層出不窮。法律改革委員會早於在2019年成立一個小組委員會,就電腦網絡罪行課題展開研究;並在《香港國安法》公布實施後,委員會繼續強化法律對網絡涉及國家安全的規定。 民主思路於2022年9月30日舉辦了工作坊討論是次公眾諮詢文件,所與會者討論後得出以下回應:
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2022 Policy Address Proposal by Path of Democracy

Hong Kong unleashed a new chapter for development. Under the principle of “patriots governing Hong Kong”, the election of the chief executive was successfully held, and people’s hearts were reunited. People from all walks of life sent their own suggestions to the new government for improving people’s livelihood and welfare. Government officials also took the initiative to reach out to the people in their districts, hoping that their policies would be closer to people’s demand and expectations.

Path of Democracy expects that the new government can improve their governance in three aspects: administrative capability, political capability and analytical capability.

  • The administrative ability of officials is the ability of the government to communicate and coordinate with all stakeholders well on a routine basis, so as to avoid conflicts among citizens and smoothen implementation of policies for benefiting the community.
  • Political capacity refers to how the government conducts adequate consultation with stakeholders before formulating policies, so as to show respect for the public and grasp their needs.
  • Analytical capacity means that the government adopts an evidence-based attitude and scientific methods for the preliminary work of policy formulation and evaluation of the later stages of policy implementation, so as to clarify the scope or context of social problems, which can help the government in all aspects of implementation and governance in the future. Hence, these can generate a more comprehensive impact in the society.

Each Hong Kong citizen wants to improve their quality of life. However, the long-standing problems of Hong Kong society, such as the upward  mobility of young people, land and housing supply etc. cannot be solved by the society alone. The government should proactively come up with plans for providing timely assistance to citizens who are facing difficulties and uncertain prospects by their own. Letting citizens to have hope and continue to contribute to our society.

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民主思路歡迎司法機構根據現時科技和疫情的發展,提出訂立《法院(遙距聆訊)條例》草案及其他相關草擬本,為將來運用遙距聆訊提供正式的法律基礎、運作和行政細節。現時,不少海外的司法管轄區因應COVID-19 疫情的發展,加強運用包括視聽連結 (Audio-visual Links) 或電話等設施,進行了網上或其他形式的遙距聆訊。雖然司法機構曾於2020年時宣布兩個階段為各級法院進行遙距聆訊,但礙於相關法律和設施限制,部份案例未能夠準時開庭。如果司法機構能夠設立適當的法例和指引,這會增加法庭處理積壓案件的效率和鼓勵本港法律科技的發展。 民主思路於2022年7月21日舉辦了工作坊討論是次公眾諮詢文件及附件,所與會者討論後得出以下回應。
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民主思路 對優化《環境影響評估條例》程序的建議

民主思路支持,環境局檢討《環境影響評估條例》下的環境影響評估(環評)程序,在堅持保護環境的同時,平衡經濟發展的需要,以達致可持續發展。政府多年前已展開關於可持續發展的研究,並結合環境保護署相關的規則和法例、甚至規劃署的電腦評估系統 (CASET) 亦要求發展的工程提供環境影響評估,以作為批准發展的依據。然而,社會人士認為環評指引已經多年未更新,並察覺到有發展計劃被環評報告中以地區有獨特的雀鳥、蝴蝶等為理由所拖延,因而受到長期的阻礙。因此,環評程序有需要改善和精簡,以推動有利社會發展或改善民生的工程發展,平衡持分者的利益。 民主思路於2022年6月21日舉辦了工作坊討論是次公眾諮詢文件所列出的問題,與會者討論後得出以下回應。
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民主思路 檢討法定最低工資水平建議書

香港社會一直存在貧富懸殊的問題,雖然億萬富翁的數字在過去十年間有所上升,在職貧窮的市民數目亦增加不少。早於1997年,社會大眾、政府和議員曾提倡關注最低工資,在斷斷續續的來回討論中,《最低工資條例草案》在2010年7月通過,首個法定最低工資水平訂於每小時28 元正,並且於2011年5月1日生效。 隨著每兩年一次的檢討,最低工資的水平已經上升至每小時37.5元。然而,隨著新冠肺炎疫情的發展,香港的社政經情況不停改變,這些因素必定影響到基層打工仔的就業和收入,因此民主思路於2022年5月11日舉辦了工作坊,與會者討論後得出以下回應。
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Path of Democracy submitted policy proposal to Mr John Lee, candidate of Chief Executive for 6th HKSAR Government

Path of Democracy (PoD) has submitted a set of policy proposals to Mr John Lee, the candidate of Chief Executive for the sixth-term HKSAR Government already. The PoD committee of Policy Proposal to 6th HKSAR Government considered that the new Administration should actively build bridges to communicate, reach consensus and unify all stakeholders in the society based on inclusiveness, mutual understanding and respect. The committee also expected that the government will listen to all humbly, formulate pragmatic policies which respond to people’s needs and demands with an aim to minimize discord in our society.
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Path of Democracy 2022-23 Budget Submission

Path of Democracy fully supports the technology-based economic development model for Hong Kong’s future as described in the spatial planning of the “Twin-City, Three Circle” of the Northern Metropolis of the Policy Address.
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Path of Democracy 2021 Policy Suggestions

HKSAR government will soon be publishing the latest ‘Policy Address’, members of Path of Democracy gathered together and contributed their expertise in areas such as housing, medical, law and environmental issues to compose policy suggestions for the coming ‘Policy Address’. Under the theme of ‘Value Hong Kong’, Path of Democracy made suggestions on five policy areas:
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